Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tribute to Matchbox Cars

When we first started shopping Flea Markets and Yard Sales, the one thing we could always find was Hot Wheels and Matchbox. It was not only fun but we could make money at it needless to say my two nephews love all the extra cars. This was a video we made just for fun.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Matchbox Junk Yard

It amazes me how popular Matchbox and Hot Wheel cars are today and what some of them sell for. Every Yard Sale I got there is always a small box of Matchbox cars. The average price seems to be a dollar a car and just about every time I buy the entire box for deal, I always find at least one $10 car I can sell on Ebay

So needless to say I have boxes of Hot Wheels and Matchbox cars. So I thought it would be fun to take pictures of the old ones and post them on a Junk Yard kind of setting.

Hope you enjoy and share some of your old cars.